Friday, June 5, 2015

Selfie Friday! last Friday before school ends.....ugh I'm gonna miss school so much well the teachers not so much the school part.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

To me success means reaching all your small set goals to reach the big goal you set for yourself. Like for me I set goals to graduate high school, go to college, get my bachelors, masters, and phd in political science/ law study, and then going for my doctorate in political science/ law study. But in order for me to reach these goals i need to have success in graduating high school in order to attain the rest of these set goals i have for myself.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A new house in 1970 cost around $23,000, the average income per year was around $9,350, and the cost of a gallon of gas was 36 cents. In California the minimum wage in March of 1974 was around $2.00 before the old minimum wage was $1.65 it went up around 35 cents. In L.A. the board proposed that they would raise the cost of minimum wage would go up to $15 in todays economy it'd still be hard to make it through with $15 my mom gets paid $12.50 an hour and we barely make it through on two pay checks the cost of our apartment is $850 plus all the utilities like electricity, gas, water, and other luxuries it gets pretty expensive. It's even hard to get by on food even with food stamps because with the cost of everything there is no money to get the food we need to help sustain my family of 6 people, also with the increase of minimum wage, you'd still have to worry about all the people that would get laid off to make this increase.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

 This is a picture of the car with a chrome texture on it and a dirty chrome to make the floor shiny.
 This is the front of the car with a glossy matte black finish and dirty chrome for the floor
This is the back end or ass end of the car its probably the hardest and had the most time spent on making it, this also features the glossy matte black finish and dirty chrome floor.

I made this Lamborghini back in 2nd quarter it took me awhile but I finished it and then modeled it and set it up for a picture set.

Monday, March 9, 2015

these are a little late but with the multi colored one i took it and put it into black and white and took cut outs from the original and layered it over the new one. with the picture of me i used threshold to make it that dark black color with some white where I added color to it. The last one is the palm tree for that one I added a some more red to it to make the palm tree have a more mahogany color to it i reduced the green to give the palm tree a more aged look to it and increased to cyan and blue colors to make the sky and water stand out more. I added some more operations but can't remember fully what I did.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I made these 2 billboards using gimp, perspective tool, scaling tool, and a little airbrushing to the foreground of the car to add some more depth the shadowing

Friday, November 21, 2014

Here you go Conner a little Call of Duty MW3 Cinematic montage with music
by Hoodie Allen "Show me what your made of" and Cinematic clips by me